
Terms governing the use of this website


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publication. The Association Of Rooms Division Executives, sponsors and appointed web publisher cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions and alterations that may occur as the information is subject to change. The Association Of Rooms Division Executives also cannot be held responsible for the content provided by the partners, participants and advertisers.


Please be advised that the work details submitted on your application form are held on AICR database. This database is available to the current membership and to the sponsors of the Association. Your personal details will not be shared or divulged to anyone other than the committee when approving your application for membership. Your details are only kept during the lifetime of your membership of the Association. Upon notifying the Membership Secretary of your non-renewal of membership, your details are removed permanently from the AICR database.